- 386-615-1203
- Mon - Thur: 8:30 - 6 Fri: 8:30 - 3
Success Stories
From Patients
*Some health insurance provides free acupuncture treatments. Please call for details.
Older Generation remains hopeful that a Younger Generation seeks Natural Health
By Rita
After a slip in her kitchen that resulted in twisted ligaments in her leg, Rita, 73 years old could not walk. Despite her fear of needles, she made an appointment for acupuncture and was back on her feet in less than a week.
“I was in my kitchen, twisted my leg and fell flat. I couldn’t walk. Now I am able to walk and move around. Next week I will be visiting my grandchildren. I am seventy three and not the bravest person in the world. Needles scare me as much as anyone else, but you don’t feel them at all. I don’t believe in pain pills. They put too many chemicals in your body and I would rather allow my body the chance to heal itself. I am hopeful that the next generation will rely less on medication and surgery and more on natural healing. If I can do it, anyone can.”
Pediatric Nurse is utilized on Eastern Technique of Acupuncture to Heal Back Pain
At the suggestion of her orthopedic surgeon, three epidurals later and numerous attempts at trying to alleviate back pain through Western medicine, a pediatric nurse’s chronic pain returns and she seeks relief through acupuncture for the very first time.
With a background in medical training, she was apprehensive about acupuncture. Her experience at the Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic was painless and resulted in a great reduction in pain and return of normal sleep patterns which has helped her body heal tremendously.
“I used to sleep three to four hours and last night I slept through and felt great. There is less pain so I am now able to get up in the morning with such ease. Acupuncture is a gradual process; the results do not occur overnight yet in the long run. I believe acupuncture is going to help me tremendously. I really look forward to a complete recovery.”
Heel Spur
By Bill Rispoli
“I am electrical contractor from the area for years. I had a heel spur and heard about Dr. Phan. I didn’t want to have the operation that would cut into my heel. I have done 18 sessions and have zero pain. I am totally happy and pleased with the results.”
“At our first session, he told me that it does work and now I am living proof of that. I have spoken to several people and they spoke on the necessity of the operation because the grinding down of the bone is the only way to take away the pain and there was no way that acupuncture can accomplish this. Yet, it did work. This success is a testimony that a 2000 year old medicine does in fact work.”
Lower Back Pain
David Glasser, Family Attorney
“One morning I woke to extreme pain in my back. Soon I couldn’t walk without a limp and it was interfering with my sleep. When numbness developed in my left toe I became very concerned. I started treatments with Dr. Phan and within two months my pain was gone, I was sleeping through the night and walking without a limp. The numbness in my foot is also gone. I am back to dancing and doing the things I enjoy. Acupuncture has been a tremendous help to me. I highly recommend it.”
Chronic Back Pain
Sandra Awarez, M.D.
“We must be open to different modalities of treatment that would bring balance to our body, mind and spirit. When I failed to respond to traditional medicines for my back pain, acupuncture therapy helped me decrease my pain, regain function and improve my quality of life.”
Right Hand Arthritis
Shirley Whorl
“I have been suffering from arthritis especially in my right hand for quite a while now. I am in a lot of pain and I don’t have total use of my hand anymore. A co-worker found relief for her arthritis through acupuncture and recommended that I try it.”
“I have been seeing Dr. Phan in Ormond Beach and he has really helped me. My pain is almost gone and I have better use of my hand. People ask me if the needles hurt and I say “not really”. They are a little like an ant bite but not as strong. You hardly notice them.”
Ankle Injury
Mr. Johnson
“I was injured warming up for my gymnastic class. I dismounted from the trampoline, twisted my ankle and tore the ligaments. Immediately I was unable to put any weight on it and my coach called the paramedics. My foot and ankle became extremely swollen and in a couple of hours it was all discolored.”
“It was recommended that I see an acupuncturist since there were no broken bones. The next day I went to Dr. Phan in Ormond Beach. I was in a lot of pain and my foot looked like an elephants. After two treatments the swelling was way down and my pain was much less. I could even put a little weight on it although I was told to wait a while longer for that.”
“I have to admit I was surprised to see how fast acupuncture helped me heal. The treatments were painless and I had none of the side effects I would have had with medications. This is an amazing option for sport related injuries. I would recommend it to anyone, especially athletes like myself.”
Whip Lash
Patricia Ricketts
“I suffered whip lash as a result of a car accident over seventeen years ago and lost the curvature in my neck. Over the years it became a reverse curvature resulting in a bulging disk. I also developed a pinched nerve in my arm and shoulder which produced a tingling sensation. Physical therapy and chiropractic gave me temporary relief but the pain always came back.”
“I decided to try acupuncture at the recommendation of my husband who was being treated at the time for prostrate cancer. He was referred to Dr. Phan in Ormond Beach by his nurse who had sciatica treated successfully. I had big results after only eight treatments. There was actually progress after each session but I felt really good after the eighth. I don’t like needles at all which is why I waited so long to try acupuncture but they really don’t hurt. I would recommend Dr. Phan and acupuncture to anyone.”
Smoking Addiction
“I have been a heavy smoker for almost 35 years. Addicted to nicotine I have wanted to quit for a long time. From my research I knew that I definitely did not want a chemical prescription or the patch. Acupuncture seemed the best approach. Five treatments freed me of my habit. With the added help of some natural herbs I have not experienced any cravings nor have I felt jittery. Dr. Phan placed micro filaments in my ears and a couple of other places. It was completely pain free. I feel so blessed to have found Dr. Phan. He has freed me of a terrible addiction and lessened the consequences of continued smoking. This has been such a positive experience for me; I would recommend it to anyone with an addiction.”
Andy M
“I have been a deputy sheriff for 23 years. During all that time I wore a gun belt and eventually it caused me severe sciatic pain on both sides of my body. I did my best to cope but eventually one year during the holidays, I became bed ridden.”
“I knew several others with this problem as well their dissatisfaction with conventional treatment. Nothing my friends had tried worked. When acupuncture was suggested, I was skeptical but desperate. I had to do something.”
“I started my sessions with Dr. Phan in January and by March I was completely pain free! I couldn’t believe it. I highly recommend this approach for sciatica. Keep an open mind. There is nothing to lose.”
Sprained Ankle
“My name is Lori and I work for Jude Medical Hospital. I have a very active personal life. I play sports, run marathons and am always on “the go”. I sprained my ankle and had a party to attend in a week. A friend strongly encouraged giving acupuncture a try and recommended Dr. Phan.”
“After consulting with another friend, who happens to be a physical therapist and a strong supporter of acupuncture for this type of injury, I had my first experience with acupuncture therapy. I was pleasantly surprised at how relaxing and comfortable the treatments were and the speed at which my swelling and severe discoloration were reducing. Within 24 hours there was considerable improvement made more noticeable when compared to my girlfriend who ironically had also sprained her ankle on the same day. My ankle was much less swollen than hers and the dark blue and purple discoloration reduced so much that it was difficult to believe both sprains occurred on the same day.”
“This story ends happily for me as a win-win. Not only was I able to attend my party and enjoy an accelerated recovery but I now have another tool to access when I need a safe, effective solution to my health problems.”
Sprained Ligament
“I am 14 years old and I sprained a ligament in my foot. When that happened I could not walk and there was a lot of pain. I went to Dr. Phan and he treated me with micro-filaments in my foot and had me take some herbal medicine.”
“People think the needles hurt but they really don’t. They pinch a little bit in the beginning for about a second and then you get relaxed and it goes away. The swelling went down pretty fast and now I would say I am about 80% pain free. I like acupuncture because I don’t have to take medications with side effects and I recover faster. I would recommend it to anyone.”
Sports Injury - Achilles Tendon
‘I have been involved with sports for a while now and I injured my Achilles tendon on the trampoline. I went to several doctors and also had an MRI. They recommended that I have physical therapy. I was wearing a brace, couldn’t wear flip flops or walk for any distance.”
“Someone recommended that I try acupuncture so I went to Dr. Phan in Ormond Beach. I am about 1/3 through my series of treatments and I am pain free. My foot is healing nicely and I would recommend acupuncture to anyone with a sports injury especially one involving the feet since this is where I had my experience. I know acupuncture involves quantum physics and I don’t understand that but I do understand how well it works. Dr. Phan is top notch in my book.”
Weight Loss
Mrs. T
“I have had a weight problem for many years and tried many conventional therapies including Metabolic Weight Loss, Weight Watchers, Atkins, The Mediterranean Diet, and Neutra System, to name a few. Nothing lasted. I continued to have food cravings and my eating was out of control.”
“A well respected member of the community, head of the psychology department at the local college and a patient of Dr. Phan’s recommended I try acupuncture. I had certainly heard of this treatment but had never tried it. One of my reservations was based on the fact that I lived in Jacksonville and Dr. Phan’s office was in Ormond Beach. I was reminded that acupuncture, as with all services of this nature, must be done by someone who is board certified with at least 8 years of training. To insure that I was going to get the best possible care and not waste my money I knew I had to make this travel sacrifice. I agreed to treatments twice a month on two consecutive days.”
“Within 8 weeks I had lost 15 lbs. I had other beneficial side effects including measurably lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, an end to my reflux, more focus and concentration, and a feeling of peacefulness. I had been introduced to something that CHANGED MY LIFE. My food cravings were gone! This was not a temporary change – this was permanent.”
“I am the first in my family to try acupuncture. I can now assure them that it is a pain free, wonderful approach to health.”
Carpal Tunnel and Osteoarthritis
“I am a branch manager and vice president of a bank. I have had carpel tunnel and osteoarthritis pain for years now.”
“I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel fours years ago and just lived with the pain. In the last couple weeks, I was unable to use the computer. It hurts from the base of my hand all the way around to my thumb. I have absolutely no strength to open anything with my hands. I cannot lift anything or open jars. The pain is excruciating.”
“This is my first treatment and I can already tell it is working. It’s definitely helping. I couldn’t move it at all and now I can. The needles are very tiny so you don’t even feel them. I have clients at the bank who have told me their successes with acupuncture treatments and that is when I made the decision to come and see you. I wish I would have done this a long time ago.”
Heel Pain in Both Feet
“I woke up to terrible pain my heels and I could not walk. The heel spurs remained a real problem and I received cortisone shots on two occasions in both heels. The doctor indicated that I could not have surgery and with no luck from medication, she had no further recommendations for me. My neighbor told me about Dr. Phan and acupuncture. As a last resort and in so much pain, I made an appointment.”
“Within a month and half I am walking with no pain, wearing my regular shoes and feeling so much better. We used a combination of acupuncture and laser therapy. I started out of desperation because nothing else was working and this has turned out to be the best thing I could have done.”
Severe Migraine Pain Relieved
By John F.
“I had an accident many years ago that resulted in severe migraines on a routine basis. I have had doctors give me pills that made me extremely dizzy and 2 days later the headache returns. I took aspirin on a larger scale than you should. I am greatly scared of needles more than anything and cannot even bare the sight of them.”
“Yet after having the acupuncture experience, I feel at least 70% better than I ever felt before.”
“I was developing pains in my shoulder, up through my spine, soreness, headaches from sound, a hard time moving, bending and stretching. After the acupuncture, I can bend, move and have a chance to rest. I don’t have to take any aspirin or pills for it whatsoever.”
By Judy B.
“A retired hospital administrator suffers from severe menopausal symptoms.”
“A friend referred me after having been treated for menopausal symptoms herself. Mine are severe menopausal symptoms including extreme hot flashes and low energy. I have been taking hormone replacement for the past 20 years, after the removal of my uterus, to control the symptoms. Because of long use of hormones and a bout with colon cancer, the acupuncture is taking time yet it is working nonetheless.”
“I was not sleeping at all without medication. Now, my insomnia is getting better. I still wake up yet can go back to sleep. My energy is increasing and I am overall very positive that acupuncture is improving my well being.”
Restoring Quality of Life Hip & Lower Back Pain Improved after Many Years
By Robert Smith
“I was injured while on active duty in my early twenties. As the years have gone by, I have tried all kinds of pain medicines, cortisone injections, physical therapy. It was getting more difficult to walk and the pain was still there. My hips began to go. In the past couple of years my wife and daughters would ask me to try acupuncture. Finally, I got to a point where I couldn’t walk anymore and relented. I made an appointment with Dr. Phan.”
“I could only walk 3-4 minutes. After examination, Dr. Phan said he could help. After our acupuncture sessions, I went from being able to walk for 3 minutes to walking 30-35 minutes without any hip pain. Acupuncture is a lot less painful then getting hips replaced. With gentle stretching exercises and acupuncture treatments. Under usual conditions I would have to sit down after standing for five minutes, I stand now with no problem. I no longer use the electric carts at Walmart. I am able to shop at Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart and the grocery store without any trouble. Daily life has improved greatly.”
Year Long Ankle Injury Eliminated “I Can Run Again!”
Nick Johnson
“For years, Nick Johnson visited orthopedic doctors in Ormond Beach for a broken ankle and a sprain. The doctors wrote prescriptions for pain medications yet Nick’s walking was still impaired and running was out of the question until he experienced acupuncture firsthand.”
“I had experiences with several different doctors and knew Western medicine wasn’t working. The pain medications had both short and long term side effects. I ran into one of my mom’s friends and she recommended Dr. Phan at the Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic. Acupuncture therapy helps me running again.”
Western Educated Nurse Turns To Acupuncture for Back Pain
“My son had severe back problems associated with his job. I hadn’t ever thought about acupuncture for myself. I am a nurse and have been educated in Western medicine. I saw his results and thought it may be of some benefit to me. I have seen my own now. I am walking straight and my back does not bother me as much as it did. I am looking forward to a better life now.”
“In the past, I had been to a medical doctor. They offered a back brace and physical therapy. Surgery was not an option because of my health and age. What I have is a degenerative condition. Conventional medicine did not help me. In fact, physical therapy made me worse and the back brace was of no help at all. Acupuncture has improved my life tremendously.”
Surfer Cures Hyperextension of the Neck With Acupuncture
By Scott T.
An Ormond Beach lawyer and surfer, Scott T. sought acupuncture treatment and massage therapy to resolve his chronic neck and shoulder pain.
“With an inability to move my neck primarily due to hyperextension from surfing, I made an appointment with Dr. Phan for upper back pain and stiffness. After a few sessions at the Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic, my neck has been much better.”
“Previously, I tried everything else and it seems the combination of acupuncture and massage has really made the difference for me. If you don’t know much about acupuncture, everyone shows a little concern about it. There is nothing to fear. The results have been absolutely fantastic.”
Head, Neck & Shoulder Pain Eliminated
By: Sharon and Bill
Skeptics from the beginning, Bill and Sharon both sufferers of neck, shoulder and back pain, hesitated when an acquaintance recommended acupuncture.
“I have two bulging discs on C3 and C4 with ruptures on C5 and C6. My surgery was already scheduled when we decided to try acupuncture first. Now there isn’t any need for the surgery. I had limited neck movement with extreme pain. I slept only five hours a night. Now my neck moves both ways with no pain and I sleep 7 to 8 hours a night.
Her husband Bill had trouble on his job at a funeral home due to rotator cuff problem and spurs along his spine that would cause his neck to lock up. Before acupuncture treatments, I could not raise my arm above my midriff. Today, I can raise my arm above my head. With arthritis spurs up and down my spine, my head would lock up and be very painful. Now I can turn it side to side with freedom and no crunching noise in my vertebrae. Acupuncture has really been a blessing. I encourage whoever suffers from neck and shoulder pain to explore and consider acupuncture to put an end to their chronic pain.
Heel Pain Cured
By Sheila D.
“Being a surgical nurse, I am on my feet for hours at a time. I began to experience sharp heel pain. It was like walking on sharp rocks in my shoes the pain was excruciating from the soles of my feet up the back of my legs. I came to Dr. Phan for help.”
“Initially, we used acupuncture and lasers. Both were painless and it got me back up on my feet. I haven’t ever had acupuncture yet I will now definitely continue with this.”
“Acupuncture has been a very successful treatment. I am walking again and working back at my job as a surgical nurse without pain. It was well worth it and I would do it again.”
Eliminates Hip Trouble in Days Don’t Live With Pain: Try Acupuncture
By Ted Garrison
An international academic speaker and civil engineer, Ted’s career requires standing for long hours at a time and travel.
“I went to conventional doctors and they didn’t do anything. My wife reminded me of a friend’s success with acupuncture and I decided to try it. I have an open mind to things and don’t need to know why everything works. If it works, I will try it and it did.”
“A couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t stand. If I stood for more than a couple of minutes the pain was excruciating. Within a couple of days of coming to Dr. Lorenzo Phan the pain stopped, my sleeping improved and so has the quality of my work. It’s hard to give a speech lying down.
This is an example that proves the case. You don’t have to understand. My suggestion is to have an open mind. I haven’t experienced anything negative at the Acupuncture & Skin Care Clinic. It was an extraordinary experience. If you don’t want to treat with pain medications and you want to treat naturally, acupuncture is the answer.”